
Pastor J. Alfaro

Meet our Superintendent

Rev. J. Alfaro is an ordained minister and currently serves as the Superintendent of the Texas Louisiana Hispanic Network. Pastor J. and Dr. Melissa Alfaro have been the Senior Pastors of Tab Church Houston (El Tabernaculo AD) since 2010. Tab Church Houston is a historical church with an eighty year legacy serving the Northside community of Houston.

He is a graduate of Christ Mission College (formerly known as LABI TX), and holds a Bachelor & Masters Degree from Nelson University (formerly Southwestern AG University), and is currently finishing his dissertation for a Doctorate of Ministry. 

His ministry experience is varied, encompassing assignments such as Youth Pastor, Evangelist, Associate Pastor, Senior Pastor, and Sectional Presbyter. He has also served as the Dean of Academics at Christ Mission College. He currently sits on the Board of Christ Mission College. Whether ministering at District Councils, Minister Retreats, Men's Ministry events or Church Conferences, his passion is to see people empowered in the Holy Spirit and the local church to be edified and experience a fresh revival.  

He loves basketball, Mexican & Vietnamese food and spending time at the park with his family.  He is married to Dr. Melissa Alfaro and is the father of two beautiful children who are the answer to fifteen years of praying, J. David III and Jalissa Jael.


ph. (281) 501-3646

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Nuestro Superintendente

El Rev.  J. Alfaro es un ministro ordenado y actualmente se desempeña como Superintendente de la Red Hispana de Texas y Louisiana. El Pastor J. y la Dra. Melissa Alfaro han sido los pastores principales de la iglesia El Tabernaculo AD Houston desde 2010. Tab Church Houston es una iglesia histórica con un legado de ochenta años al servicio de la comunidad de Northside de Houston.

Es graduado de Christ Mission College (antes LABI TX), y tiene una Licenciatura y Maestría de Nelson University (antes Southwestern AG University), y actualmente está terminando su disertación para un doctorado en ministerio.

Su experiencia ministerial es variada, abarcando asignaciones como Pastor de Jóvenes, Evangelista, Pastor Asociado, Pastor principal y Presbítero seccional. También se ha desempeñado como decano académico en Christ Mission College. Actualmente es miembro de la junta directiva de Christ Mission College. El a ministrando en los Concilios de Distrito, Retiros Ministeriales, eventos del Ministerio de Varones y Conferencias, su pasión es ver a las personas empoderadas en el Espíritu Santo y a la iglesia local sea edificada con un avivamiento fresco.

Le encanta el baloncesto, la comida mexicana, mariscos y pasar tiempo en los parques con su familia. Está casado con la Dra. Melissa Alfaro y es padre de dos hermosos hijos que son la respuesta a quince años de oración, J. David III y Jalissa Jael.

Alfaro Tribe

Pastor J. & Dr. Melissa Alfaro, J. David & Jalissa Jael Alfaro

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