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Nueva Creacion es una familia que reconoce que Dios nos hizo y no nosotros a nosotros mismos; y que pueblo suyo somos.

New Creation is a family that recognizes that God made us and not we ourselves; and that we are his people.
Nueva Ceacion fue formada para hacerle saber a nuestra comunidad que existe un Dios que les ama, y desea sanar sus heridas.
El desea transformarnos en su portavoces de las Buenas Nuevas para un mundo en crisis y proclamar que Jesus es el Rey y Señor de nuestras vidas.

Nueva Creacion es pastoreada por: Rev. Juan Y Rebecca Tobar

New Ceation was formed to let our community know that there is a God who loves them and wants to heal their wounds.
He wants to transform us into his spokesmen of the Good News to a world in crisis and proclaim that Jesus is King and Lord of our lives.
Es hacerle saber a las personas lo valiosas que son para que se transformen en fieles seguidores de Cristo.
El corazon: tener un gran respeto por Dios, tener un gran respeto por nuestros semejantes, desarrollarles y enseñarles a traves del discipulado, enviarles a servir a sus semejantes.

To make people know how valuable they are so they become faithful followers of Christ.
The Core: have a great respect for God, have great respect for our fellow man,
develop and teach them through discipleship, and send them to serve others.
311 E Travis St

Brazoria, Texas


phone (979) 799-8879
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Staff + Leadership

Pastored by Rev. Juan and Rebecca Tobar