Kids Conference. TLHN Christian Education, BGMC, April 11-12, 2025. Reg. $25 (Includes Conference, 1 Fun Arts Entry, BGMC Awards) Additionnal Fun Arts entry $5 per category. Fun Arts is openn to all children ages 5-5th Grade. Deadline March 28. Special Speaker: Nep Zozaya
We strive to fulfill the call that our Lord has made to us. Our goal is to teach discipleship from the youngest to the oldest.
We have seminars, workshops, and teacher certification to be able to train and be more effective in our churches.
We would first like to thank the Pastors and Superintendents of Christian Education for their trust and support of this
ministry. In addition, we thank each minister of our District, T.L.H.N, for having voted in our favor, giving us the
confidence to continue forward. Thank you all so much!
We are here to serve you. Please contact us for more information.
Nos esforzamos en el llamado que nuestro Señor nos ha hecho.
Nuestra meta es enseñar a ser discí- pulos desde el mas pequeño
hasta el mas grande. Tenemos seminarios, talleres y certificación
de maestros para poder adiestrar y ser mas eficaz en nuestras Iglesias.
Agradecemos primeramente a los Pastores y Superintendentes de Educación
Cristiana por su confianza y su apoyo a este ministerio. Además, agradecemos
a cada ministro de nuestro Distrito, T.L.H.N. por haber votado a nuestro favor,
dándonos la confianza de seguir adelante. ¡Gracias mil a todos!
Estamos para servirles. Por favor comuníquense con nosotros para mas información.