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U40 Representative

Representante de Ministros Menos de 40 AƱos

Paulina Solis
Growth happens in COMMUNITY!
Registration is now open for our upcoming 2025 U40 Cohorts!

U40 Cohorts provide a free opportunity to connect you to a ministry mentor from within our Network. Cohorts meet online once a month for 6 months and provide a space for both leadership development and a safe space of transparency and community. Deadline is December 22nd.

¡El crecimiento ocurre en COMUNIDAD! ¡La inscripción ya está abierta para nuestras próximas Cohortes U40 de 2025! Cohortes U40 dan una oportunidad gratuita de conectarte con un mentor ministerial de nuestra red Cohortes se reúnen en línea una vez al mes durante 6 meses y proveen un espacio tanto para el desarrollo del liderazgo como un espacio seguro de transparencia y comunidad.
La fecha límite es el 22 de Diciembre.

U40 Representative
Rev. Paulina Solis
     Texas Louisiana Hispanic Network believes in raising up and developing younger ministers to fulfill their God-given call.  This specific branch of ministry is designed to create pipelines for the credentialing of younger ministers, fostering community engagement with our U40 demographic, and facilitating continued education and leadership development of ministers under the age of 40. 
     Paulina comes with a wealth of experience—she has served as a Youth Pastor for 11 years and is currently serving as the Next Gen & Family Pastor at El Tabernaculo AG. She has also served as the TLHD Assistant Youth Director for the past 8 years. She will be a great gift to our network in this role and will add great value and forward advancement to our U40 demographic. We have seen the number of U40 ministers in our district increase and we have launched new initiatives through our Influence Conferences, leadership development cohorts and our sectional roundtables.
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Under 40 Ministries

3 Ways to Connect

 Roundtables to discuss ministry, leadership and hot topics
Local gatherings and fellowship with other U40 ministers and leaders
U40 Cohorts
Mentoring, Coaching and Leadership development